Website Performance and Speed Checking Tools

In other words, if your website is extremely slow to load, then you will be losing many visitors. Having Visitors are useful in grabbing traffic, and if you have less traffic, it will have a great impact on your reputation, and you will be unable to generate the potential revenue.

Therefore, the slow-loading effect should not be ignored at all.

You should know about what your website is built up with instead of jumping into the web coding and then trying on your own to speed up things; this is because it just cannot be done without knowing about the issues that are causing your website to load slowly.

Following are some of the useful and significant web tools and services that would be extremely helpful in diagnosing and analysing your website. Some of the prominent web services are:


This is useful in testing your website object’s loading time, such as iframes, CSS, Javascript, images, HTML, and others. You can easily analyze how speedily each of these elements are loading and you can work out for those which have slow loading. A report will be generated telling about the time website takes to load, each elements loading time, the number of elements and their sizes.

Visit Pingdom:


This is an extremely useful service that provides with your significant suggestions about what you should be improving on your website. You can use it with all the browsers.

Visit GTmetrix:

Light Speed Now:

It is particularly helpful in testing your website’s performance and speeds the report which will be generated will be directly sent to your email box.

Visit Light Speed Now:

Load Impact:

This tool is extremely important for such websites that are frequently visited by around ten thousand visitors or more each day. You can have a free account with it, and it will enable you to easily check the loading contact with around 50 simulated clients for anything else, you need to upgrade to the premium account.

Visit Load Impact:


This application is extremely useful in imitating the browser downloading behaviour with all the JS, CSS, images, and other elements in the same manner as any ordinary visitor. When the report is generated, you can check out the webpage’s loading sequence and how fast it takes place. This service is particularly useful when you are considering improvising your website and its various elements.

Visit Site-Perf:


You can easily check the speed of the web connection you are currently using with this application.

Visit WebWait:

Gomez Networks:

With this service, you will be able to test each and every web page’s performance and speed from even an exterior node position.

Visit Gomez Networks:

iWeb tool – Speed Test:

Visit iWeb tool: