Websites throughout the internet have a multitude of designs, purposes, sizes and applicable to what we will be discussing here, quality. Most business websites will vary too, and there will especially be a significant variation in the quality of their web design.
We are going to give you a means of identifying which websites have been created by professional web designers and which have not. The way this is done is using a checklist of 15 essential elements every website should have, Those that have all 15, were almost certainly created professionally. Those that have many elements missing have not.
#1: The Website Has An Overall Purpose – Great web design comes from excellent planning which includes setting a clear objective for the website, and this objective should be obvious when you visit it.
#2: Optimised For Mobile Devices – All top web designers know to design their websites so that they are completely responsive and thus optimised for mobile devices of all kinds.
#3: Easy To Use – When you visit a website and nothing on it, including interactive features, confuses you, or seem difficult, then it is a sign that a professional has designed it with users in mind.
#4: Content Is Appealing – Great web design is not just about visuals. It also applies to content included in a website which should be high quality and appealing to visitors.
#5: It Looks Great – Not a surprise to learn that websites that look great tend to be those where a skilled website design team have created them.
#6: Images Are Placed In Optimal Positions – When you see images randomly placed on websites it suggests the designer was an amateur or simply did not care enough to position them in optimal locations within the website.