
Essential Business Tips for Graphic Designers

Essential Business Tips for Graphic Designers

Keep Portfolios Current

Graphic design changes according to trends over time just like any other industry.

It is important to keep a design portfolio current. This means adding new work to the portfolio and removing redundant or dated work.

New portfolio pieces should be created that address the most current trends.

Detecting these emerging trends involves staying engaged with clients and the industry. A current and changing portfolio can draw in new business while also bringing back older clients.

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Choosing Your Corporate Identity According To Your Brand

Choosing Your Corporate Identity According To Your Brand

I have seen hard-nosed businessmen at each other’s throats about subtle changes in colour and hue and the exact shade required to convey the right message.

What should the company mission statement and strap-line be? What should be depicted in the logo? Should we use an established font or create one of our own? Opinion is often divided, and therein lurks a greater issue.

Branding is merely the tip of the iceberg. If individuals can’t agree on the core values of the company, then they would do well to invest time into addressing those issues before wasting effort on their corporate branding.

Having everyone working towards the same goal, singing off the same hymn sheet or being ‘on the same page’ might be a dreadful list of clichés, but if core values are at best confused and at worst missing entirely, then this is an early indication that the business may not be destined for success.

In businesses that are already well established, this is an even more serious problem as deep conflicts may exist around the overall direction of the company, which will have an effect on culture and efficiency and spill over into the realm of customer perception also.

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