Webmaster Tips

Seven Joomla Extensions you must have

Seven Joomla Extensions you must have

1. JCE:

JCE is another popular extension of Joomla. JCE is a free content editor that provides the web designers with a set of WYSIWYG editing tools. The JCE is free, extendable and can also be customized according to the requirement of the designer. It makes writing articles for Joomla web design and related things a tad bit easier.

2. Xmap:

Xmap is based on the hugely popular Joomap extension. It allows you to create a map of the site you are designing based on the structure of your menus. It also fixes several bugs that had been reported by many Joomap users in the past.

3. JoomlaXplorer:

JoomlaXplorer is the File and FTP manager. It allows you to edit, copy, delete, rename and archive files directly on the server. Using the JoomlaXplorer is easy and that is probably the reason why it is so popular with web developer these days.

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Essential Business Tips for Graphic Designers

Essential Business Tips for Graphic Designers

Keep Portfolios Current

Graphic design changes according to trends over time just like any other industry.

It is important to keep a design portfolio current. This means adding new work to the portfolio and removing redundant or dated work.

New portfolio pieces should be created that address the most current trends.

Detecting these emerging trends involves staying engaged with clients and the industry. A current and changing portfolio can draw in new business while also bringing back older clients.

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Best Open Source E-Commerce Shopping Carts

Best Open Source E-Commerce Shopping Carts

It may be that you have thought about using any particular software as the basis for your complete e-commerce website and you are not even considering changing it by near future.

Thus, it is extremely important and significant that you have enough idea about which one is the best for you as you will not be able to change it later.

Following are some of the best open-sourced free shopping carts that are available and easily accessible over the Internet.

You should be checking them out, testing them, and if the functionality they offer suits you then you can just initiate your business right away.

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SEO Tools - Get the Facts on How to Get Started

SEO Tools – Get the Facts on How to Get Started

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process a certain web master or administrator would want his/her site to undergo in order to increase the site’s ranking on various search engines.

Website ranking is very important since the higher your website is ranked, the more frequent it will get visited.

An indication for a high-ranked site is every time you search for a certain keyword phrase (for instance, the keyword is “casinos”), the results found in the first page are the one that comes from the web page of that particular site.

But optimizing a web site does not seem as easy as it sounds. In fact, it is a very long process and does not have a very good success rate when done for a short time.

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Website Performance and Speed Checking Tools

Website Performance and Speed Checking Tools

In other words, if your website is extremely slow to load, then you will be losing many visitors. Having Visitors are useful in grabbing traffic, and if you have less traffic, it will have a great impact on your reputation, and you will be unable to generate the potential revenue.

Therefore, the slow-loading effect should not be ignored at all.

You should know about what your website is built up with instead of jumping into the web coding and then trying on your own to speed up things; this is because it just cannot be done without knowing about the issues that are causing your website to load slowly.

Following are some of the useful and significant web tools and services that would be extremely helpful in diagnosing and analysing your website. Some of the prominent web services are:

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Make online forms with Jotform

Make online forms with Jotform

After making a form, you can integrate it into your website and collect submissions from your users for free. You have two choices to receive form submissions: receive them instantly by email, or you can log into your JotForm account and view form submissions.

JotForm also integrates with PayPal, Google Checkout, WorldPay, 2CheckOut, ClickBank and OneBip payment gateways, so you can even collect payments from your website visitors and customers.

JotForm can check if the form is submitted by a real browser or bot. They also support CAPTCHA verification on the forms you make.
If you open free account, you can make unlimited forms, run reports in Email, Excel, CSV or Web, get 100 form submissions per month, make 3 secure SSL forms per month, receive 3 payments per month and get online forum support.

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Webmaster Tools

Webmaster Tools

Online CSS optimizer tool

When you decide to optimize your CSS file, you can choose “Optimize CSS via URI” (online file), “Optimize CSS via File Upload” (CSS from your computer) or “Optimize CSS via Direct Input” (by copy/paste file into an online form). You can also choose if you want a CSS optimizer to remove line breaks in your file or not.

Firebug-webmasters a must tool

With a click on an element, you will see the CSS source, and you can edit and preview it. Very useful is that Firebug gives you info on what line is that particular CSS element. Imagine working with more than 1.000 lines of CSS code. This can save lots of time searching for mistakes. Firebug also includes a powerful JavaScript debugger. It lets you pause execution at any time and have a look at the code.

Seomoz SEO tools collection

TermExtractor analyzes the content of a given page and extracts the terms that seem to be targeted at search engines. CrawlTest discovers the problems search engine bots run into while crawling your website. The HTTP response codes your page return, cache dates, title tags and much more. GeoTarget determines how well a site is targeted to region-specific search engines.

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Free Icons Web


Icon Factory – thousands of free icons

You’ll find packs named “Somatic Rebirth Extras”, “Hello Kitty”, “Star Trek”, “WALL•E + EVE”, “Inauguration Day pack”, “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” and many other interesting packs. Icon packs are free only for personal, desktop use.

For commercial works, development projects and websites Iconfactory have royalty-free, stock icon collections in bitmap and scalable vector formats. Website have one more interesting feature for visitors – Preference Settings.

That page allows visitors to configure viewing Iconfactory with their own settings – List Sorting, Preview Size, Page Length. Each setting is stored in a cookie that’s maintained by browser.

Visit  Iconfactory.com

Free Icons Web – over 15.000 free icons

Navigation, Icons, Folder, Network, People, Objects, Database, Document, Character icons, Computer, Button Icons and Gif Animation Icons).

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5 Joomla Language Extensions

5 Joomla Language Extensions


The Joom!Fish is a language extension module that allows you to exert total control over the translation of the Website’s Joomla content. The Web Developer can translate any content to and from any language with the free extension available and with Joom! Fish 2.1, the Web developer, can also exercise control over third-party extensions.

GTranslate: URL:

The GTranslate module is a must-have for all web developers with its extensive list of languages to translate into. With over fifty-eight languages, it has a reach to over 98% of the internet users. The GTranlate has various versions compatible with all versions of Joomla, like Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.7and it makes the content of the website known worldwide with a large language base. The GTranslate uses Google Power to translate and then hides tabs and suggestions over foreign words that prove a hindrance to many users.

Translations manager:

The Translations Manager is compatible only with Joomla 1.5, but despite this limitation, it is a powerful extension every Web Developer must be aware of. Once the Translations Manager is downloaded to your website, it manages all language-related content. The Translations Manager will not translate the language but checks the translations for correct usage and proper grammar and makes it an easy and must-have tool for websites.

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30 Beautiful Holiday Desktop Wallpapers

30 Beautiful Holiday Desktop Wallpapers

The 2013 Christmas and New Year’s holiday season is quickly approaching us and will be here before you know it. For many people, it’s their favourite time of year, filled with lots of festivities and quality time spent with friends and family. If you’re someone who loves holiday cheer and decorations, you’re in luck as there are many free wonderful holiday graphics and wallpapers on the web.

To get you started, we’ve compiled a list of 30 beautiful holiday desktop wallpapers that will not only help to get you into the holiday spirit but will also brighten up your computer desktop.

Merry Christmas Bear

This holiday bear is adorned by a holiday wreath with pine cones and flowers.

Merry Christmas Snowman

You can’t help but think of Frosty the Snowman when looking at this wallpaper, although it looks a little mischievous.

Merry Christmas Ornament

A simple Christmas ornament stocking with a tiny little snowman.

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5 Simple and Impressive Content Management Systems For Web Designers

5 Simple and Impressive Content Management Systems For Web Designers


With PageLime, you can create multiple sites and assign different users and permissions to each. Your content is edited using a real-time live preview, so you can see updates to your site right away. It also stores versions of your site in case you want to revert back to an older rendition. It also has integrated SEO fields so that you can edit your metadata right from within the editor. Other features include photo editing and resizing, saving pages as templates, and the ability to brand your site with your logo and custom colours.

Surreal CMS

Surreal CMS lets you manage multiple websites with its customizable rich-text editor or connect your already-made websites (via FTP) to edit from within their interface. There are SEO fields that let you edit the page title, description, and keywords, and you can also integrate with Google Analytics in order to track your traffic and views. It also keeps a page history so that you can remove individual revisions if needed. Managing your files and folders is easy with their File Manager; plus, you can edit and resize images using their Image Editor. An impressive feature is the built-in Tidy tool that lets you validate your markup and fix any issues found.


CushyCMS lets you have unlimited sites, pages, and editors. You won’t need to know any advanced coding or programming – just basic HTML only. It’s extremely customizable with a lot of different possibilities. It offers many branding features, such as a custom logo, custom domain, custom colours, built-in schemes, and custom welcome emails. It also includes a customizable WYSIWYG editor and the ability to add your own custom styles and classes.

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The Top 8 Color Palette Sources for Web Designers

The Top 8 Color Palette Sources for Web Designers

Luckily, there are quite a few sources for finding beautiful colour palettes or even creating your own using various methods like 3D, blending, uploading images, randomizing and more. So let’s take a look at 8 of the top colour palette sources for web designers and see how each one can inspire you to create brilliant, vibrant designs.


ColoRotate is a beautifully designed site that lets you browse colour palettes and create your own in 3D. You can spin and tilt the diamond to get different views and create palettes with up to 16 colours each. They also offer a Photoshop plugin that lets you edit colours within a 3D widget and share your palettes online.


COLOURlovers is a personal favourite because it’s not just a source for colour palettes and patterns; it’s also a great community for designers and other colour lovers. You can browse and create your own colours, palettes, palette templates, and patterns. They also offer several tools to help you build colour palettes, colour schemes, Twitter themes, and patterns.


ColorSchemer has a huge collection of colour schemes for download. You can also connect with others in the colour forums. If you want to create your own colour palettes and access over a million pre-made colour schemes, you can download ColorSchemer Studio 2 on your PC or Mac for $49.99. They also have an iPhone/iPod Touch app, Mac dashboard widget and Windows colour picker desktop tool.

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Image manipulation tools - Alternatives

Image manipulation tools – Alternatives

is a very user-friendly tool for both new bees and also professionals for image editing. This software is absolutely free to use, and you don’t have to pay for anything, even if you have to upgrade.

Photo! Editor
(http://pho.to/editor/): This software comes up with a wide variety of image editing features. If you have a digital camera and you frequently correct the photos you take, this software is an ultimate need for those as it provides great convenience. Like many other image editing tools, you can use the red eye removal features, but the differentiating thing in this software is that you can add different kinds of effects or even funny caricatures. Also, you can enhance the quality of the image by minimizing the blur feature so that you can make a portrait for your home if you want to.

(http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php): This software is one of the most widely use applications for image editing. The interface is very user-friendly, and there are pre-defined effects that you can use to resize images, add brightness or even apply different filters to the software. Also, Photoscape allows you to current images like colour adjustment or light correction so that you can get the optimized image you want.

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Smartly Designed Free Fonts For Your Design Needs

Smartly Designed Free Fonts For Your Design Needs

Every last detail of our design has an impact on the user. Fonts, however, play a crucial role in this matter. The fonts we use may raise our designs to a whole new level or drop them to negative zero. Hence, we need to choose the fonts for our designs with utmost care. Paying for high-quality and crisp fonts may not always be an option.

For this reason, many generous designers have designed fonts that not only look sleek and professional but also do not cost us a single penny. This is not the case for only crisp, smooth fonts. There are fonts for every occasion and event. Not only do they decrease the cost of the design, they also enhance its look.

Presented below are a few of the best fonts that are available for free on the web for everyone’s usage:

1. Streetwear:

2. Helsinki:

3. Sant Joan Despi:

4. Mink:

5. Rambla Alt STD:

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Elegant & Responsive Portfolios for your Inspiration

Elegant & Responsive Portfolios for your Inspiration

Responsive, minimalistic and flat designs reign supreme. Straight lines, fewer elements, distinct colour combinations and unique content should be the focus while designing these kinds of sites.

Leading these designs are simple colour palettes and typography. Displayed below are some of the best portfolios that were launched recently. They are simple. They are responsive. They inspire.

1. GlossRey:

2. Thomas Ciszewski:

3. We are the Swan:

4. Guy Moorehouse:

5. Mike Kus:

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20 amazing HTML5 & JQuery Image Sliders that you probably didn't know about

20 amazing HTML5 & JQuery Image Sliders that you probably didn’t know about

Need some fast and responsive HTML5 or JQuery Image Sliders for your brand-new website? Read on to see some of the best Image Sliders in the market and pick any of these that are to your liking.

These sliders are not only fast but provide incredible interfaces and enhance the look and feel of your site. On top of that, they have amazing Transition Effects and Custom Options so that you can edit them as per your requirements.

These sliders are also compatible with multiple platforms, so you will not have to worry about any setup process for a different platform.

Below, we have also presented some tutorials for the coders. Now, go ahead and choose any one from the following amazing Sliders for your project:

1. HiSlider:

2. Unslider:

3. WOW Slider:

4. Nivo Slider:

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Useful Toolkits and Utensils for Designers

Useful Toolkits and Utensils for Designers

All such designers who are starting with work offline can make use of a graph or blank paper while starting from scratch. You can easily access the pre-designed templates, and for this reason, you need not start from scratch, as this will save you time and help in bringing out your creativity.

Many tools can be easily accessed while you are considering making a web design or plan. All these tools are also available for download. They mainly include grids, pre-drawn browsers, and iPhone and iPad development.

Paper Browser: this is a simple and printable browser that is useful for wireframing. It has a subtle grid in it which is functional for better and enhanced design. It is scaled for certain screen resolutions.

MBTI Sketching Paper: this tool consists of four multiple dimensions while you are coming up with different ideas for certain buying modalities that are humanistic, methodical, spontaneous, and competitive. It is available in four different sizes such as Legal, Letter, A3, and A4.

Concept7 Sketching Paper: this tool is useful in providing the browser window with predesigned grids, lines and also with note areas; it is easily available for A3 and A4 sizes.

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Choosing Your Corporate Identity According To Your Brand

Choosing Your Corporate Identity According To Your Brand

I have seen hard-nosed businessmen at each other’s throats about subtle changes in colour and hue and the exact shade required to convey the right message.

What should the company mission statement and strap-line be? What should be depicted in the logo? Should we use an established font or create one of our own? Opinion is often divided, and therein lurks a greater issue.

Branding is merely the tip of the iceberg. If individuals can’t agree on the core values of the company, then they would do well to invest time into addressing those issues before wasting effort on their corporate branding.

Having everyone working towards the same goal, singing off the same hymn sheet or being ‘on the same page’ might be a dreadful list of clichés, but if core values are at best confused and at worst missing entirely, then this is an early indication that the business may not be destined for success.

In businesses that are already well established, this is an even more serious problem as deep conflicts may exist around the overall direction of the company, which will have an effect on culture and efficiency and spill over into the realm of customer perception also.

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The Best Online Sources for Creative Commons Images

The Best Online Sources for Creative Commons Images

As a Web designer, you may want to use free images to enhance your work. Although the Internet is full of images of all types, you can’t use just anything you find on the Web; this can lead to a lot of headaches, the main being an expensive lawsuit.

Unless you’ve created or taken a photo yourself, you must get permission from the owner/creator before using Web images in your work. This is where Creative Commons (also known as CC) images come into play.

It would be an inconvenience and take too much time if you had to personally ask permission for every single Web image that you wanted to use. Instead, you can simply search for Creative Commons images using the online sources outlined below.

These sources will show you beautiful images that you can use for free in exchange for an attribution link on your website. Best of all, this attribution link is often provided for you by the source; all you have to do is copy and paste it into your website’s HTML.

There are different types of Creative Commons licenses. So you need to pay attention to this when searching for images. Some let you modify, adapt, and build upon the image, while others won’t let you change a thing – you will have to use as-is.

So be sure to look for the appropriate license based on how you’ll be using the image. Without further ado, here are eight of the best online sources for free Creative Commons images.

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Webmaster tips for improving the usability of a webdesign

Webmaster tips for improving the usability of a webdesign

A good web designer will always come up with new and great ideas that will set trends. A GREAT web designer will make a balance between a new web design and the functionality of the site that he is working on.

There are many exercises for web designers that promote ease of use and functionality, an excellent maintenance rate and great user satisfaction. I will adduce some of those elements created to greatly increase the site’s usability and functionality.

Intuitive navigation technique

There is an expression roaming around web users: “If you can’t find it on the first two pages of Google search, it doesn’t exist” The point of this expression is that the end-users often redirect their search from one to three links on the site before they give up. Keep it simple and keep it clean.

The intuitive navigation offers users that they jump from site to site and find the required information quickly and easily. While designing a site, keep in mind that users do not have to jump more than three levels in their search.

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