Photoshop is a powerful tool and the most commonly used design tool, but if you use the right plugins, you will realize how your Photoshop experience can change. At some point, you have probably had struggles with Photoshop functions that you need but that don’t exist.
What you can do if you have similar problems is either change the software or make your existing software better. We suggest that you should try to use one of these, which will make Photoshop even more functional and easy to use. Plugins can unify all the creative solutions in only one software, but they also save time and money and make your workflow easier.
Here we have collected some handy Photoshop plugins that might help designers in their needs and help them speed up their work. These plugins will help you be more productive and stretch your creativity. Here are some of the tasks that can be done easier and faster if you use the right plugin: exporting Photoshop layers, converting PSD to CSS3, Photoshop text to SVG and skeuomorphic design to flat design, generating long shadows etc. Choose the one you need, try it out and share your experience with us and your colleagues.
1. Hexy
Hexy provides you with a quicker way to obtain Hex and RGB color codes.
2. Size Marks
SizeMark allows you to add labels of an object size or the distance between each object using a Marquee tool.
3. Pictura
Pictura allows you to search and add images to your Photoshop conveniently without leaving your workspace.
4. Oven
Oven is a nifty plugin that helps you better manage your assets.
5. Ink
6. LayerCraft
LayerCraft is a Photoshop plugin that allows you to export layers into multiple scale.
7. Composer
Composer improves the Photoshop Layer Comps feature.
8. Velositey
Velocity is an extension that can help you build web design prototypes quickly.
9. Duplllicator
Duplicator provides the fastest way to duplicate Photoshop layers or groups.
10. QuickGuide
QuickGuide helps you draw guidelines in Photoshop.
11. Lorem Ipsum Generator
Lorem Ipsum Generator will generate random words or phrases.
12. Lorem Picsum
Lorem Picsum generates random images rather than text.