It may be that you have thought about using any particular software as the basis for your complete e-commerce website and you are not even considering changing it by near future.
Thus, it is extremely important and significant that you have enough idea about which one is the best for you as you will not be able to change it later.
Following are some of the best open-sourced free shopping carts that are available and easily accessible over the Internet.
You should be checking them out, testing them, and if the functionality they offer suits you then you can just initiate your business right away.
This is an Online Merchant open source for shopping online which is licensed under GNU General Public License and also for free.
It simply holds a rich and well-to-do set of features that are the best while you are shopping online and enables the owners to properly set it up, run and then maintain their online stores with inputting minimum efforts that require no fees, costs or any other sort of limitations.
This is supported by SQL/ PHP servers.
Visit OsCommerce:
Zen Cart:
Tthis is a true art. It supports MySQL and PHP.
This is an open source shopping cart application that is user-friendly and moreover free to use. Like-minded consultants, designers, programmers, developed this design and shop owners who thought that web designing for e-commerce should be done in a different manner than usual.
Visit Zen Cart:
Presta Shop supports MySQL and PHP. It is indeed a professional and proficient shopping cart application that you can be easily accessed, downloaded and used for free. It has extremely powerful and robust back-end support along with admins who can easily manage orders, inventory, payments, and customers. It provided unlimited support for numerous categories, images, pictures, and sub-categories.
Visit Presta Shop:
This application also runs on MySQL and PHP servers. You can setup a powerful and robust online shopping store and you can sell all kind of items to your existing and new customers all around the globe.
Visit Cube Cart:
Magento Commerce:
Also a great platform to run E-Commerce websites as it is designed accordingly with the open-source technology requirements is useful in providing the online merchants with extraordinary flexibility, control, functionality, and content of their online stores. This application also runs on MySQL and PHP servers. It offers its users with features like search engine optimization, powerful and robust marketing, and catalog-management tools that are helpful for the merchants to provide them with the power and authority to create such websites that have been tailored according to their particular business needs and requirements. This application also comes in an Enterprise version that is more robust then the prior one.
Visit Magento Commerce: